3 day plan

Purpose – Part 2

Day 2 of 3


This verse was written to a specific people in a specific context. Habbakuk was given a vision of how God would deal with injustice in Israel, and assured that it would happen—even if it didn’t seem like it at the time. I feel that in my own life I can completely relate to Habbakuk’s sense of waiting and expectation.

I get so impatient in wanting to see results when I have a specific vision for an area of my life. I don’t want to wait! And yet, I know that this waiting season is key. Usually, it is less about the end results and more about the person I am becoming in the process.

Waiting patiently doesn’t necessarily mean sitting back and doing nothing. It is often more active. I keep taking steps forward. I keep renewing my mind and focus. I build trust and endurance.

This is so evident in parenting. The results of all that effort often take so long to be seen. Teaching our kids skills and helping them to grow as people is not a short term process. Let’s wait patiently in this area too.

What vision do you have that seems delayed? What step can you take this week to wait patiently?

Lord, help us to trust in you when we can’t see the results we are looking for yet. Teach us to wait patiently. Amen
