14 day plan

Philemon: Fixing Fellowship

Day 7 of 14


Reflection:   This verse gives a us a wonderful insight into the nature of Christian fellowship. We are bound together in Christ by the Holy Spirit. We see this in our own churches as we say goodbye to people as they move. It is why leaving a church is such a painful experience. We are one. When one hurts, we all do. Paul wants Philemon to see this as he sends Onesimus. He is reminding him that the bond that he shares with Philemon is the same as the bond he shares with Onesimus. And it is all because of the Gospel.

Take a moment to think about the people in your church family. As you think about each person, give thanks to God for them and ask God to grow you in your love for them.

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, I thank you for my church community. May you show me more and more the beauty of our fellowship.