Reflection: How have you gone at refreshing the heart of a sister or brother in Christ? This is the one thing that Paul wants from Philemon, that he would be refreshed by the news that Philemon welcomed his former slave as a brother in Christ. It is a powerful demonstration of the Gospel. Imagine the impact that this would have had on their local church and for their witness in the local community at Colossae. In the same way, we show welcome and love to others, especially in the midst of difficult circumstances, it has a deep impact on those around us.
There are many ways we can seek to refresh others; encouraging them, praying for them, listening to them, finding small ways to practically serve them. What is something simple you can do today to refresh a sister or brother in Christ?
Prayer: Lord, may you give me the humility and grace to refresh the hearts of those around me as I show the love of Christ. Work in me, I pray, for your glory, not my own.