Reflection: Today I want you to place yourself in Onesimus’ position.
Yes, you ran away from your master Philemon. But that was a long time ago. That was the old you. You ended up in Rome and heard the good news of Jesus. Since that day you have served tirelessly to support the apostle Paul, and to further God’s kingdom (v11). Paul is very fond of you (v12, 16) and calls you his son (v10).
Why is Paul sending you back to Philemon? Why can’t you stay in Rome and continue the ministry? Why must we bring up old hurts and problems from so far away? They were so long ago, and before your life of faith and love began…
This is an inconvenient truth. God wants us to attempt reconciliation with those we have wronged, even from a long time ago, even if it happened before we became Christians. It may well be hard. It may well involve significant time and effort. You cannot control how your offer will be received, but you can try.
Who do you need to apologise to? Will you try to copy Onesimus?
Prayer: Dear Lord, help us to hear your word and follow your Spirit. Show us who we need to say sorry to from our past. Give us your strength to practically do so, even this very day. In the name of Jesus our Saviour, Amen.