I think it can be easy to think of this verse purely in the context of church and the Sunday morning gathering. My experience being a mum with babies and toddlers has meant that Sunday mornings can feel lonely when you are tucked away in the cry room. But so can the long nights awake with a baby or the moments you are scrubbing the floor for the umpteenth time that week. When those mundane moments set in, reaching out to share life with others can feel hard, but that is when it is most necessary.
Finding ‘your’ people, the ones who are going to do what you can’t, the ones who will be authentic and help you grow, the ones who will allow you to serve them and who you will say yes to when you need a helping hand – that is church every day of the week. It might be the text message to check in on your day, or the mum who shows up with spit up on her shoulder for a cup of tea and a chat. We were made for community. If the last few years have taught us anything, it is that life is better when done together with love and grace for each other.
Take a moment to send a message to a friend to encourage them or arrange a catch up.
Thankyou Lord for creating us to live together in community. May we spend our time encouraging those we are doing life with, allowing them to sharpen us and serving in the way you created them to do so. Amen.