3 day plan

Not Alone - Part 2

Day 2 of 3


This simple Proverb illustrates an important biblical lesson. God expects us to do life with other believers and to build authentic relationships with them.

Sometimes as mums it can be easy to fall into surface relationships. You know: the kind of friendship where we gather and talk about our babies, what our partners haven’t done, or the behaviour of the kids. If we are not careful, mums groups or the school pick up crowd can be a breeding ground for feeling dissatisfied with our lives.

Heart relationships go beyond just discussion. A friendship with someone needs to involve more than just reflecting and discussing a problem and stopping there. A friend sharpens a friend by addressing the problem, planning for a solution and holding each other accountable. Obviously, this can’t happen with every person you talk with! But making sure you are open to more than just discussing problems is a necessary part of growth as a woman, mum and leader.

Who could you connect with today?

Father, you created us for community, yet so often we forget or are too afraid to be real with those we are doing life with. Make us aware of the times we need to move beyond discussing a problem and assist someone to plan for a solution and keep them accountable. Help us too to humbly accept when others hold us accountable. Amen.
