Reflection: The Good Shepherd: The role of a shepherd was well understood during the time of Jesus’ ministry. A shepherd’s job was to take care of the sheep. When Jesus described Himself as the good shepherd, He was describing His character as unique. The Greek word kalos when translated means beautiful, noble, wholesome, good and beautiful. As a good shepherd, Jesus is describing his character, His righteousness and beauty. Sheep are known to be some of the most vulnerable of animals. When described as a shepherd, Jesus is also telling us something about ourselves and our need for Him. Jesus, our Good Shepherd, not only takes care of His sheep, but He also paid the redemption price to call them His own—those who have received eternal life through His blood. All of us sheep have “gone astray.” However, Jesus rescued us by perfectly fulfilling His Father’s will through His death. We thank God for providing us with a great protector in Jesus, who would go to the ends of the earth to protect His flock.
For further reading see Ezekiel 34:11-16
Prayer: Father God, thank you for the provision of Jesus as our shepherd, our guide, our protector and friend. We thank you that the Good Shepherd laid down His life for the sheep that we as the vulnerable flock can trust in you. Amen.