Series Introduction
In this seven-day devotion series*, Dr Mark Stephens looks at how at the heart of the Christian story is the love of God for his people. But the staggering thing is the way God’s love extends to his enemies as well. That same love compels God’s people to extend love to neighbour and enemy.
If you’d like to read more of Dr Mark Stephens’ writing, see his short book published by Acorn Press called ‘The End of Thinking?’.
*originally shared in 2021
Reflection: Made for community
The story of humanity begins with a single solitary person. Created in the image of God, Adam is gifted for the task of being steward over God’s good world, a task which he completes through both care and cultivation. It’s a scene rich with potential – there is gold to be found (v.11) and so much can be enjoyed (v.9 and v.16).
Then a complication enters the plot. In 2:18, for the very first time in Genesis, God says that something is “not good.” Up until this point, everything has been good, good, even very good (see Gen 1:31). What could possibly be lacking?
The LORD says, “it is not good for the man to be alone.” This seems jarring at first. How can Adam be alone? He’s got God, doesn’t he? Yet there is something missing for Adam if he doesn’t have other human beings to relate to. In other words, we weren’t just made for God, however pious that might sound. We were made for each other.
Even more intriguing is the way Eve is described. She is Adam’s “helper.” Before you let this trigger you into thinking that Eve is demoted to the level of a hired hand, the word “helper” is usually applied to God (Deut 33:7, 29; Psalm 70:5; 121:2; 124:8; Hos 13:9). Adam is not sufficient on his own. He needs the help of others. Not just God’s help – no, the help of other people.
At the essence of God’s vision for humanity is that we were made to know one another, and to help one another. So it should not surprise that the richest expressions of life together are those which create space for us to love one another. We were not made merely to enjoy community – we were made to participate in community.
Ponder the communities you belong to. Are you a spectator or a participant?
Dear God, thank you that you made us to live in community, to know one another and to help one another. Thank you for all those in my life, who help me in large ways and small ways. Help me to participate in the communities I belong to, rather than simply spectate. Amen.