7 day plan

Introducing Children to God and His Love

Day 4 of 7


Reflection:  At that time, some parents brought their children to be blessed by Jesus, but the disciples tried to push them away. However, Jesus intervenes and tells them to allow the children to come to him, because the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like them.

This reflection reminds us that our relationship with God must be genuine and simple, like that of a child with its parents.

Through this passage, Jesus invites us to become like children in spirit, so that we can experience the wonderful reality of the Kingdom of God. May we approach him each day with the humility and trust of a child, knowing that in his arms we find love, protection, and purpose for our lives.

Prayer:  Dear heavenly Father, we thank you for your unconditional love and compassion. Today, we approach you with humble and trusting hearts, as children do. We ask you to help us maintain the innocence and humility of a child in our relationship with you. May we fully trust your provision and give ourselves generously to your will.

We entrust our children and all children to you so that they can experience your love and acceptance in their lives. May they grow in faith and trust you with the same simplicity and purity of heart that characterises children. In the name of Jesus, our Saviour and Teacher, we pray. Amen.
