7 day plan

Introducing Children to God and His Love

Day 3 of 7


Reflection:  In this passage, God urges his people to fill their hearts with his teachings. It is not just about superficially memorising the words, but about internalising them in such a way that they become an inherent part of daily life and permeate all areas of our existence. These teachings must be transmitted to children in a constant and natural way. From dawn to dusk, at home and on the road, we must speak of divine truths, allowing God’s word to be the foundation of our daily conversations and activities.

This reflection challenges us to ask ourselves if we have made the word of God the centre of our lives and of our family. Are we constantly seeking to learn and remember his teachings? Are we passing on God’s truth to our children in a continuous and consistent way?

May we strive each day to learn and remember God’s teachings and have the courage to share them with our children and with all those around us. May our words and actions reflect the greatness of our Lord, and may his word be the compass that guides our steps at all times.

Prayer:  Dear God, we thank you for the wonderful guidance you offer us through your word. Father, we ask you for wisdom and strength to transmit your truths to our children and to future generations. Let us speak your truth with love and passion, so that those around us can experience your love through our words and actions.

Loving God, we entrust to you our children and all the young people who will be the leaders of tomorrow. May they know and love your word, and may they find in it the guide and direction for their lives. May your word be a source of hope, comfort, and wisdom in the midst of the challenges and decisions they face.

We commend all of this in the name of Jesus, our Saviour and Teacher, who taught us to love and follow your commandments. Amen.
