7 day plan

Good News of Great Joy for All People!

Day 7 of 7



I am at the stage of adulthood when Christmas presents are likely to be socks and pyjamas rather than soccer balls or PlayStations. Normally, I set my Christmas present expectations low, and then I am never disappointed when it is time to open gifts. Last year, however, I was blown away by a gift I received from my family. Knowing my love of hiking and the reality that the Australian bush has no mobile phone coverage, my wife and kids bought me a satellite tracking device. It was the most perfect gift. It works as a guide, helping me find my way on the trail. It works as a communication device, allowing me to stay in touch with my family when I am out on an adventure. Finally, it has a special button that, if I push it, activates a rescue mission from the emergency services in the event of a bad fall or a snakebite or, perhaps in my case, a bad cramp or sunburn!

Jesus is the gift of God and the gift from God. In his coming, he has entered his High Priestly work of being our guide, leading us, showing us the way, and keeping us moving forward as we follow him. He has opened a pathway of communication, interceding on our behalf before the Father. Now, we can pray without ceasing. Finally, he has given us himself and his powerful name. There is no other name under heaven by which we can be saved (Acts 4:12). Like the emergency response button on my new adventure toy, Jesus is the one word that should always remain on our lips, for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Romans 10:13).


Jesus. We call out the name of Jesus. This Christmas, I cry out the name Jesus. Thank you that your name is the highest, and the greatest, and that by your name, I am saved. Let salvation come into my life, my family, my church, and my community this Advent season. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
