7 day plan

Good News of Great Joy for All People!

Day 6 of 7



I have always loved names. I find a deep connection between what someone is called and someone’s calling! Possibly, the best part of my job as a pastor is getting the opportunity to offer baby dedications as a blessing to newborns in our church community. I love to study their names and the meaning of those names and to pray for the spoken word over their young lives. My own name is Steven, which means Crowned One. I don’t think I am a king, but I think part of my job as a Senior Pastor is to operate as a Kingly Steward under the reign of heaven’s true King, the Lord Jesus Christ.

On that first Christmas, two names were spoken over the life of the unborn Messiah. Joseph was entrusted to steward the naming of Mary’s son. ‘You shall call him Jesus, which means ‘God rescues’ (Matthew 1:21), and they called him Immanuel (Matthew 1:22-23), which means ‘God restores’… well, it means ‘God with us’, but for God to be with us and in us and to work through us, a relationship needs to be restored. Peace needed to be established between the Creator and his fallen creation.

The Christmas Child comes as a rescuer and restorer. Salvation has come. Through Jesus, we are rescued from our sin, and by Immanuel’s saving work, we are redeemed and restored. Jesus is the reason for the season, but his plan to rescue and restore is the purpose behind the plan. May you know his rescuing and restoring presence in your life today.


King Jesus, thank you for your salvation, so full and so free. Our hearts are glad, and our souls are grateful. You meet our deepest needs through your incarnation. Thank you for rescuing us from sin and thank you for restoring us to life with God forever. Amen.
