14 day plan

Glory Box: The Covenantal Chest

Day 5 of 14


Reflection:  Manna

‘Give us today our daily bread’: such a simple phrase, simple request, and yet so profound as to be memorialised as part of this covenant between God and his treasured people (an omer was one day’s worth).

‘Give us today…’ It began back in Eden with a vegetarian cornucopia. It became eternally satisfying in Jesus himself – the Bread of Life. And for God’s treasured bride, it will end in a marriage feast (Genesis 1:29; John 6:53-55; Revelation 19:9).

But ‘Give us today…’ doesn’t always look so lush.

‘Give us today…’ is a daily mercy. God’s rescued people grew to hope and trust in that daily mercy but it was a 40-year, desert-flat learning curve. (I mean, how would you and I feel about an empty fridge every single night? Or about a manna-menu every day for 40 years?!)

‘You do give us today…’ prompted that golden pot of ever-fresh manna residing in the Glory Box. It was a potent partner to the God-etched stones – the Law of the Covenant. Because, you see, covenants demand commitment but when they’re embedded in daily mercy the law is our delight (Psalm 40:8, one of many examples). Or, as John puts it: We love because he first loved us (1 John 4:19).

Prayer:  Father God, whatever reminders we need, let us not lose sight of your sustaining mercies to your people past, present and future. Help me to be confident of and dependent on your daily mercies, and because of your mercy, delight in your law of love.