14 day plan

Developing Spiritual Resilience

Day 2 of 14



The Christian life is not about sheer willpower. Thank the Lord for that. We train for spiritual resilience by cooperating with God’s grace. The ‘strict training’ the apostle Paul refers to is learning to cooperate with God’s grace (see also 1 Cor. 15:10).

Author Dallas Willard explains, “Grace is God acting in our lives to bring about what we do not deserve and cannot accomplish on our own. But we are not passive in this process.” How do we cooperate in this process? By doing activities that are within our ability, God graciously grows our capacity to do things we cannot accomplish by ‘just trying’. There are many such activities. The activity that is the focus for these daily devotions is examining our core beliefs.

From the head to the heart, what do you really believe about God’s character, the nature of the world, and the cross of Christ? Our devotions will examine these subjects. Central to developing spiritual resilience is growing these heart-beliefs in accordance with biblical truth. As you embrace and interiorise truth, you will experience greater freedom and transformation (see John 8:31-32). The truth of Jesus, when personally embraced, always sets free.


Father, you have already lavished your grace on us in Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Now lead me to grow in cooperating with your grace. As I examine my core beliefs would you shine your light into dark places, reveal blind spots and misbeliefs, so that I can grow in the knowledge of the truth.