Not everything that happens is God’s will. The apostle Paul wanted to visit his beloved Thessalonian church, ‘but Satan blocked our way’ (1 Thessalonians 2:18). Not God, but Satan. That only makes sense if the devil has actual power, however that is precisely understood. Satan’s offer to Jesus in Luke 4:5-6 seems to reflect this.
Having a warfare worldview helps me make sense of suffering. The infant Jesus was a threat, not only to Herod but also to ‘ruler of this world’ (John 12:31), the one who has authority over the kingdoms of the world. Satan likely inspired Herod to kill Jesus, and in the attempt ‘Herod … killed all the children in and around Bethlehem who were two years old or under’. (Matthew 2:16). Horrific.
Those children in Bethlehem were innocent casualties caught up in a vast spiritual war whose consequences are real and tragic. Their death was the devil’s will, not God’s.
Thankfully, the devil is a defeated foe. Jesus’ crucifixion, resurrection, and triumphant return means that victory is assured. Therefore, as Christians, we fight from victory not for victory.
Embracing the warfare worldview functions as a form of resilience training, as a theological, mental-emotional, and spiritual preparedness.
Lord, would you train my hands for war and my fingers for battle. Thank you that every act of love, every expression of kindness, every step of obedience, every prayer prayed, and every instance of worship offered is simultaneously an act of spiritual war. Train me to be a good spiritual warrior by growing my capacity in loving you, and loving people.