7 day plan

Bringing the love of Jesus to a hurting world

Day 4 of 7


John 14: 15-17

“If you love me, keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever—the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.” John 14: 15-17, CEV


One of my favourite Deaconess stories is that of Ivy McGregor. After her ordination in 1926, she joined Bush Church Aid, taking up a position in the Wicannia diocese of far Western NSW. In order to travel to remote parishes, she was gifted a Chevrolet that she drove, solo, down thousands of kilometres of desert roads. By all accounts she was a colourful character, who had a deep love for Jesus and was able to keep rustling up joy as she served him in outrageous situations (camels regularly featured in tales of her ministry).

Like Ivy’s, the life of a Deaconess was often a lonely one. Most Deaconesses were unmarried. They ministered across multiple parishes, so rarely enjoyed the close relationship of a church family. Many felt called to missionary service where there were few other believers. To maintain this solitary life of ministry they must have had a firm knowledge of the presence of the Holy Spirit.

In the hours leading up to Jesus’ death, he reassured his disciples that they would not be left alone to continue his work. He tells them of an eternal advocate who will encourage and comfort all who love and obey him: the Holy Spirit.

God knows that we are prone to distress when faced with loneliness and, even worse, wandering hearts without his guidance. The Spirit helps us look up and out, beyond the here and now, so that we can depend on God’s future.

When you next feel the pangs of loneliness, consider the ever-present gift of God’s Spirit, for he lives forever with those who love and obey Jesus.


Almighty God, let your Holy Spirit dwell with us and keep us in peace and let your blessings be upon us forever, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
