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Bringing the love of Jesus to a hurting world

In Sydney’s Inner West, from 1890, Deaconesses were trained in theology and practical ministries by Deaconess House, now known as Anglican Deaconess Ministries (ADM). These pioneering young women served the destitute, orphaned, sick and dying in the growing colony of NSW. This devotion series by Mary Un, ADM's CEO, is based on a 1917 publication, the Deaconess Book of Devotions (printed during World War I). Mary says, "107 years later, I am left to guess why the author chose the seven passages from Scripture that open this little book of devotions. What is clear to me is that she, like the Deaconesses before and after her, had a theology rooted in the belief that with God as our help and strength, we are free to fearlessly model our lives on Christ’s."

Author: Mary Un
Mary Un is the CEO of Anglican Deaconess Ministries (ADM). ADM is a ministry that inspires and empowers Christian women to bring the love of Jesus to a hurting world through education, compassionate ministries, community and public gospel witness.
