10 day plan

Big truths for hearts young and old

Day 2 of 10


Reflection:  God is powerful. This is something I tell my children when we are getting ready to pray. “What is God like?” I ask them. “He is all powerful. Stronger than anyone we know. Able to do anything!” This is particularly important when we are praying for something which seems impossible: the drought to break and rain to fall; the fires to stop burning; good health for everyone during a global pandemic; and that a loved one who denies God’s existence would know that he loves them. Sometimes, my perspective shifts for a moment, and I see from their point of view, and I realise – so much in the life and world of a child is out of their control. They have little power to change what they do not like or understand. So, I remind them that God is powerful, and that he loves them. As Jesus taught his disciples, when they questioned how it was possible that anyone be saved: ‘With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.’ (Mark 10:27). God is powerful, and we can trust him when circumstances, relationships, or life in general – feel impossible, out of control, and broken.

Question: In what situation or relationship do you most need a reminder of God’s power?

Prayer:  Mighty God, thank you for your amazing power and might. Thank you that with you, all things are possible. Lord, may I trust in your mighty power in all areas of my life, and hold firm to the promise that you are able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to your power that is at work within us (Ephesians 3:20). Amen.