Reflection: Further reading: Psalms 119:105
Enjoying God’s word is a good thing. I am very grateful to God that the Bible has always been a part of my life. I have memories of lying in bed as my parents read Bible stories to my siblings and me. I can close my eyes and picture the Bible that my Dad used when I was a child; as well as the Teen Walk Study Bible which I was given as a teenager. I remember learning about the importance of a quiet time each day and being introduced to Bible reading plans. I have been saturated with Scripture – and I have also at times struggled with a regular Bible reading habit. Many seasons have come and gone for me with my discipline of being in God’s word. Yet the truth remains: enjoying God’s word is a good thing. It is this truth I would like to teach my children. We have, this year, developed a night-time routine that I find an enormous blessing, because it includes a story from their children’s Bible. We are currently reading The Jesus Storybook Bible cover to cover, then starting again. The thing I enjoy the most is not the stories themselves – although they are brilliant, with beautiful writing and teaching from Sally Lloyd Jones – but the fact that my kids LOVE it! They love having the Bible every night. They are the ones driving the routine. They feel sad if it’s too late to read the Bible. They are definitely keeping me accountable! I pray that we can foster this love of the Bible as they grow older, into a new routine and a new season. And I am praying that their love of God’s word in this season would instil good disciplines and practices in me as well!
Question: What season are you in when it comes to regularly reading (or listening) to God’s word? What blessings have you received from a regular Bible reading discipline (now, or in the past)?
Prayer: Dear God, thank you for your word. Thank you that you have spoken and revealed yourself to us. Thank you that we can know you through your word, and that by it, you light our path. Please help me to remember that enjoying your word on a regular basis is a blessing and an encouragement. Thank you for the privilege of having easy access to your word, in my heart language. Please bless all around the world with the same. In Jesus’ name, Amen.