10 day plan

Big truths for hearts young and old

Day 1 of 10


Reflection:  God loves you. This simple but profound truth is the most important one for both my children and myself. I tell my children daily, “I love you”. My two-year-old and I have a game we play where, from across the room, I mouth the words, “I love you”. Her face lights up in understanding, she beams a huge smile, and mouths back with a whisper, “I love you too”. This verse from Zephaniah is particularly special to me, because of the way it speaks of God’s love for his people. God is with us, despite our sin, rebellion and the judgement we deserve. He is a warrior who saves us. Not only that – he delights in us. He rejoices over us with singing! Ultimately, this love of God is shown in what Jesus accomplished for us on the cross (Romans 5:8; John 3:16). We are also reassured later, by the apostle Paul, that nothing can separate us from the love of God (Romans 8:38-39).

Question: How does this description of the way God loves you encourage you?

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, thank you for your love. I love you too. Please fill me with an ongoing knowledge and sense of your love, your delight, and your rejoicing over me. It is through Jesus that I can pray this, and in his name that I do. Amen.