It’s as different as night is to day, this Christian life. We are to behave according to where we belong. If, in Christ, we now belong to the day, then the sneaky, sinful life of the night must be done away with. And not just avoided, but replaced by the tasty fruit of the light. Darkness can’t grow anything good, so shed a light on it; first in your own life and only then in the lives of others. And don’t just guess what light living looks like, ask! God, his Word and his people will help you.
How is the fruit of the light going in your life? What are you doing to reject the fruitless deeds of darkness? In yourself? In others?
Father God, thank you for bringing me from the darkness into your marvelous light. Forgive me for the times I step back into the darkness and empower me to reject and expose its worthless deeds. Amen.