Series Introduction
The world we can see is not all there is. Whatever our circumstances, our lives are secure in Christ in the world we cannot yet see.
This is not all the reality there is.
Whatever our life experiences – good or ill – we are in Christ, secure in the unseen reality, the “heavenly realms”. And not only secure, we are blessed beyond belief with not some, but every spiritual blessing.
We are in God’s family, not because we wanted it, nor because we were “want-able,” but because God wanted it. And we are chosen for a purpose – to live a life that reflects our holy and blameless King, the Lord Jesus.
How does this knowledge encourage you in the things you face today? Why would we settle for material blessings when we can have spiritual ones?
Heavenly Father, thank you for making me your child not on the basis of what I did or what I wanted, but on the basis of what you did and want you wanted in Christ. Amen.