7 day plan

Becoming a Godly Father

Day 6 of 7


Reflection:   For further reference, please see Jeremiah 29:11

I like planning and strategising for the future, and as a father, they include the hopes and dreams I have for my daughter. As I’m sure my parents had for me growing up, and although I’m not sure everything my parents planned for my life has come to pass, the purposes of God for my life, to love him and to serve him have endured.

As we’ve experienced, particularly in this pandemic season, plans can fall apart in a moment. But the purpose and calling of the Lord for our lives remains. So we ought to commit the plans for our lives and our children’s lives to God, and pray that our Father’s will may be done on earth as it is in heaven.

I’m confident we can trust God with our future.

Question:  Do we include God in our planning for the future? Or is it more of an afterthought and we pray God blesses it?

Prayer:  Lord, I pray my hopes and dreams may be in accordance with your will. I thank you that your purpose will stand, and I know I can trust that you hold my future in your hands. Amen
