7 day plan

7 Days, 7 Scriptures: How the Bible Shaped My Story

Day 5 of 7


John 10: 7-10

‘Therefore, Jesus said again, “Very truly I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep. All who have come before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep have not listened to them. I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” John 10: 7-10 CEV

Reflection: When Closed Doors Open Divine Paths: How a Rejected Visa Led Me to My Mission

The rejection letter felt like a slammed door, shutting out the future I’d meticulously planned. Studying in the US, a land overflowing with opportunity, seemed like the path to a fulfilling life. The news hit like a cold wind. My visa application — the key to that American university in LA, California, that seemingly perfect path — was denied. Disappointment gnawed at me. Was this the end of my dreams?

But John 10:7-10 whispered a different truth. Jesus Himself is the gate. He offers not just education, but abundant life — a life overflowing with purpose and meaning, a life dedicated to serving Him. Perhaps the closed visa was a redirection, a nudge towards a different pasture, one teeming with lost sheep right here in my own region — the Middle East. Maybe the disappointment was a blessing in disguise, an opportunity to truly focus on the Great Commission, to shepherd those around me towards the Good Shepherd.

God opened unexpected doors, leading to unexpected pastures teeming with life. There, I found myself spreading hope and faith to countless downtrodden migrant workers across the Arabian Gulf. It wasn’t the path I’d envisioned, but one that emerged from unexpected opportunities — serving thousands of struggling migrant workers, offering solace and the message of hope.


Father, open our eyes to the opportunities around us, who haven’t heard Your voice. Guide us to see the lost sheep in our midst. Guide us to those who yearn for Your love. Grant us the wisdom and courage to be Your ambassadors, leading others through the true gate, the path of abundant life in You. Amen
