Under pressure. I certainly know what that feels like with the demands of parenting, relationships and work. Sometimes I feel like it will crush me. I feel ill-equipped and weak. Surely I just need to be stronger?
Then I read these verses and remember that it isn’t about my own strength or ‘power’. The truth that I am cracked in places and weak is exactly how God shows his power at work. I feel free to be human with limitations. God asks me to draw closer to him so I am working from his power not my own.
We are not promised an easy life. There will be pressures and hardships. What we are promised is that God is with us in the midst of the difficulties, giving us His power to endure, to love and to keep walking.
Where are you feeling under pressure in your life? How do you see God working in that space?
Father, forgive me for the times I choose to try my own strength instead of allowing your power to shine through. You know the pressures I am facing right now. Help me to let go of what is not mine to carry and endure through those things that will help me to grow. Amen.