14 day plan

The Gospel Centred Leadership

Day 11 of 14


Reflection:  Living for People Approval

Psychologists have long found that inherent within us is an inclination to comply with a person of authority. We long to get their approval. The problem is that tendency to obey is often abused by those in authority.

As such, we tend to ignore those in authority who do not genuinely care for us. And we tend to take for granted those who genuinely care about us but are not powerful enough to warrant our affection.

When we turn to Christ, we turn to someone who is mightier than anything or anyone found within the realm of creation, and cares for us deeply enough to shrink into the realm of creation to serve us and die for us.

The extent to which we find Christ is enough for us will determine our capacity to lead effectively, without needing the acceptance, adoration, attention, approval, or affection of people. While those legitimate things are wonderful to be enjoyed as blessings from God, they are dreadful to be worshipped as rulers.

If Christ, by whom, through whom, and for whom all things visible and invisible were created, died for us while we were still his enemies, we can forever stand on the solid ground of our acceptance. Criticism and rejection from people will not erode it. That is the good news of the gospel.  Approval from others in authority will be much less significant for us and have its proper place without turning us into approval-junkie.

Prayer: Father, if we live for people approval we will die from their rejection. May the gospel enable me to live for the audience of One, so that I can stop keeping score in life to know that I matter. For I now know that in Christ I always matter before you.