14 day plan


Day 2 of 14


Numbers 1:48

“The Lord had said to Moses…” The Levites…are to set up their tents around the tabernacle of the covenant law so that my wrath will not fall on the Israelite community…. The Israelites are to camp around the tent of meeting some distance from it, each of them under their standard and holding the banners of their family.” Numbers 1:48,53;2:2, CEV

Reflection: Geometry: God front and centre

I’m chewing on my fingernail and under my nose sparkles a gold ring. It’s an ever-present symbol of promise; a band of love. You know the Bible is a cornucopia of symbols. Like here in Numbers. In every possible meaningful way, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob wants to communicate with his people.

Census done, his rescued mob is longing for some milk and honey. Though they’ve semi-settled at Camp Sinai they’re itchy for marching orders. But first, a re-centring God draws a physical and symbolic map for their campsite formation…and at its hot-holy focal point is his presence. The tabernacle is the axis. For its care (and the people’s protection) squared around that place of worship are camped the priestly Levites. And radiating out from them in the four cardinal directions are camped the 12 clans/tribes.

God is not only concerned about future hope, promises to be fulfilled, his coming kingdom. In the everyday nitty gritty of eating, sleeping, relating, worshipping he is deserving of front and centre. And for that, we too, need symbolic reminders…right under our noses.

Is there some practical change we can make today – something to symbolically keep Christ front and centre?


Unlike the Israelites, we can confidently draw near to you, loving God. You’ve promised to be faithful. Now help us to be faithful. Unite us in worship – holding unswervingly to the hope we profess and spurring others on in practical love. (see Hebrews 10:22-25)