So much challenge contained in such a short verse. This is especially true in light of the verses we have been reading so far.
I start to think through my days and all the regular tasks I do. How do I do them in love? Doing the dishes. Keeping my daughter on track in the morning. Driving in traffic. Answering emails. These are the little moments that add up to create the legacy of who we are.
I want to be known for love. I know I fall so far short of that right now. It helps to bring it back to the small, everyday tasks. I can send a text to a friend to check in. My tone of voice can hold love and patience rather than irritability. I can be considerate of others on the road instead of criticising their choices. Love can be the filter I use for approaching every interaction and task.
What is the next task on your to do list and how can you do it in love?
Jesus, forgive us for how often we fail to love. Teach us how to do everything in love. Amen.