14 day plan

Human flourishing

Day 4 of 14


ReflectionHuman flourishing means being transparent

Jesus begins with an image from the domestic context that would have been very familiar to his audience: the importance of light in a world without continuous power might be underestimated. The way that darkness melts away in the presence of light was a daily awareness for them.

The message is that God sees our hearts and exposes what needs to be shifted and revealed. Jesus sees the twisted hearts of the religious leaders who hold onto power, put burdens on others, and refuse to recognise him (Mark 3:5–6).

Jesus warns that we will be measured by the same instrument we use to judge others. While this seems pointedly for the religious leaders of the day, it is also a warning for us—about our hypocrisy.

Jesus finishes this excerpt by saying that God gives more knowledge and authority to those who receive it well; those who have been granted privileges will lose them if they are not using it according to God’s will. Again, this seems a warning to the religious leaders; but perhaps also for the disciples, who are taken aside and given extra teaching.

That warning echoes down to us, who have access to both the Old and New Testaments, and can see God’s full story. How rich are the spiritual resources opened for us? How will we steward this wealth?

Being transparent means living with integrity in every aspect of our lives. Remember: God sees, hears, and knows all. So, what would be revealed by God shining his light in your hearts? How are you using the knowledge and skills and gifts God has given you?

Prayer:  Dear God, thank you that Jesus is completely open with you and about you. Thank you that he had nothing to hide in his behaviour or words. Forgive me when I am not transparent with others. Forgive me when I don’t use all your gifts to me well. Amen.