14 day plan

Dealing with conflict

Day 9 of 14



Let’s face it, there seems to be a lot of passive aggressive behaviour by Christians, particularly on the internet. But we are not called to be judgemental or critical with our Christian brothers and sisters, but rather gentle, as we disagree with others. God’s people are not to ignore or flee conflict. Arguments, pain and frustration will probably emerge when trying to ‘restore’ someone – but that shouldn’t stop us from trying.

Think of someone you know who seems ‘caught in wrongdoing’. How can you help them, without being judgmental or getting caught up in what they are doing?


God, you know I can give in to the temptation to do something wrong, rather than follow in your ways. Keep me from giving in to that temptation, even as I try to help a brother or sister who is caught in a struggle with sinful behaviour. Make me able to carry their burdens and not be deceived by pride in myself. Amen.