14 day plan

Dealing with conflict

Day 8 of 14



Conflict makes most of us uncomfortable; in fact, I have a colleague who wants to crawl under the desk as soon as someone raises their voice. It is easy for us to think that conflict is incompatible with the unity, peace and love which should characterise the Christian family. But conflict can come, even to Christians – a sad reality that’s noted by Jesus himself. But Jesus doesn’t focus on the conflict itself, rather he wants people to move through conflict to restored relationships.

Is there someone in your life you need to be reconciled with? Is there something you can do about it today?


Dear heavenly father, we can all be guilty of sinning against a brother or sister in Christ. If I am sinning against someone, give me the humility to hear their rebuke and strength to change. If someone has sinned against me, soften their heart to hear what Your people are advising them to do. We ask this in Jesus’s powerful name, Amen.