14 day plan

Dealing with conflict

Day 6 of 14



Jesus is Lord of your life, and not just on Sundays. So Jesus is near to you, even when you are in conflict with a colleague, friend or family member. And as his followers, the Bible tells us to emulate Jesus’ actions, even the tricky ones, like “as the Lord has forgiven you, so you must also forgive.” Certainly, such forgiveness is not easy, and there are many situations where forgiveness isn’t the most appropriate or safest response, in the first place. But it is still a powerful tool when it comes to resolution of conflict.

Is there someone you need to forgive? Is there someone from whom you need to ask forgiveness?


Dear God of immense forgiveness. I ask for your Spirit to fill me with the kinds of characteristics mentioned in Colossians 3. Arm me with them so that when conflict comes, I can use them and the weapon of forgiveness – to bring about meaningful resolution. I ask this in the name of Jesus, who offers the ultimate forgiveness, Amen.