3 day plan

Created to be Creative - Part 1

Day 3 of 3


Sometimes when I’m watching a nature show on TV, I’m blown away by the majesty of God’s created world. (Actually, EVERY time I watch a nature show!) Recently, we were watching a show that was in a huge mountain range. The footage was filmed by a drone, and I realised that we were probably seeing things that no one had ever seen before! There are still parts of the ocean floor yet to be discovered. And yet, God put everything in place thousands of years ago. He must be delighted when we finally find some of His glorious masterpieces!

As mums, we have a wonderful opportunity to instil wonder into our children – the wonder of God’s creation. I know this had a huge role in our children’s faith journey and kept them returning to God when they were ‘detouring.’

What is your favourite thing God created? Have you shared it with your children? Ask them what theirs is.

Lord, your works are too magnificent to comprehend. When I think of the enormity of space, or the depths of the sea and all that is in it, my head explodes with awe. You are amazing! Amen.
