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Big Questions at Easter

This Easter season, we are taking the opportunity to explore ‘Big Questions’ as we approach Easter, with excerpts from the writing of Dr Nick Hawkes, who went to be with his beloved Father God in March 2023. Nick wrote, “Explore with me the significance of the greatest claim in human history. It is the one concerning the resurrection of Jesus. Did God really invade human history in order to show us what he was like? Did he die on a cross to pay the price for our sins that would otherwise keep us from him? Crucially, was Jesus resurrected back to life to show us that eternal life with God is possible? In fact, it is God’s intention for all of us who accept Jesus’ forgiveness and leadership to also be resurrected from death.”

Author: Dr Nick Hawkes
Nick was a scientist, theologian and writer. His novels (all with a Christian garnish) can be found on: author-nick.com. In 2023, after many years living with cancer, Nick passed away. He went home to be with his beloved Father God.
