Introduction: As we all know, Christmas can be a busy time. This series invites you to sit quietly and dwell in God’s word. We hope it is a gift for you. Some precious time resting in God amidst all the other pressing demands of the Christmas season.
Reflection: A Child Shall Lead Them
Power and status have long been the centre of human conflict. Here, Jesus’ disciples have been arguing about who among them is greater. Of course, all of Scripture is full of stories like this tussle for greatness.
But Jesus surprises his disciples and compels them—and us—to look to children as our example. Taking a child into his arms, he tells us that welcoming and esteeming children is welcoming him. The tussle for greatness is moot. Because the last shall be first and the kingdom of God belongs to children (Matthew 19:14, Luke 18:16) – and those like them.
So, we should not be surprised when God works through willing children and young people.
This devotional series explores God’s heart for all his children and his desire for us to come to him as children. Together, we will look at children and young people in the Bible whom God uses for his kingdom purposes. They bring change to their communities.
We’ll explore both the challenges and revelations these children of the biblical narrative experienced and consider what their stories teach us about God’s character.
You see, God is not surprised when children demonstrate remarkable courage. The Bible tells stories of young people who are faithful to God regardless of their age or status. Despite their lack of cultural power, they trust that God will provide what they need to follow him.
And God does provide, again and again.
Question: What children in your life help you remember Christ’s call to become like a child?
Prayer: Dear God, thank you for all the stories of courageous young people in your word. Please help us to be challenged and learn with them and from them about your character, about your Son, and how to live faithfully for you. Amen.