14 day plan

Joy in God … no Matter What?

Day 2 of 14


Psalm 77:4-6a

"You kept my eyes from closing;

I was too troubled to speak.

I thought about the former days,

the years of long ago;

I remembered my songs in the night." Psalm 77:4-6a, NIV

Reflection: There are plenty of times when I forget to talk with God about the tough things. Sometimes we can be too troubled to speak. Yet in this Psalm, the Psalmist is actually talking with God about his distress. This is exactly what God wants us to do. Once we do this, he answers us! It is so obvious, yet we so often don’t do it. When I am stuck, thinking God has stopped answering my prayer, or I am struggling, this Psalm helps me each time to turn back to God’s grace, love and sovereignty. I pray this Psalm often.

One way this Psalm helps me is, I have 16 not-yet-believing family members. I’ve prayed for each of them to come to know Jesus for many years. So far, one nephew has come to faith. So, I keep on praying, helped by this Psalm.

Prayer: Our loving Father, thank you for reminding us each day of your love, grace and power. Thank you that when we stress and struggle, you continue to sustain us and tenderly care for us. Please help us to bring our cries and struggles to you. Please grow us by your Spirit, to be more like Jesus. Amen.