Psalms 6

(A psalm by David for the music leader. Use stringed instruments.)

A Prayer in Time of Trouble

1 Don't punish me, Lord,

or even correct me

when you are angry!

2Have pity on me and heal

my feeble body.

My bones tremble with fear,

3and I am in deep distress.

How long will it be?

4Turn and come to my rescue.

Show your wonderful love

and save me, Lord.

5If I die, I cannot praise you

or even remember you.

6My groaning has worn me out.

At night my bed and pillow

are soaked with tears.

7Sorrow has made my eyes dim,

and my sight has failed

because of my enemies.

8 You, Lord, heard my crying,

and those hateful people

had better leave me alone.

9You have answered my prayer

and my plea for mercy.

10My enemies will be ashamed

and terrified,

as they quickly run away

in complete disgrace.