(A song and a psalm by David.)
With God on Our Side
1Our God, I am faithful to you
with all my heart,
and you can trust me.
I will sing
and play music for you
with all that I am.
2I will start playing my harps
before the sun rises.
3I will praise you, Lord,
for everyone to hear;
I will sing hymns to you
in every nation.
4Your love reaches higher
than the heavens,
and your loyalty extends
beyond the clouds.
5Our God, may you be honored
above the heavens;
may your glory be seen
everywhere on earth.
6Answer my prayers
and use your powerful arm
to give us victory.
Then the people you love
will be safe.
7Our God, from your holy place
you made this promise:
“I will gladly divide up
the city of Shechem
and give away Succoth Valley
piece by piece.
8The lands of Gilead
and Manasseh are mine.
Ephraim is my war helmet,
and Judah is my symbol
of royal power.
9Moab is merely my washbasin,
and Edom belongs to me.
I shout with victory
over the Philistines.”
10Our God, who will bring me
to the fortress
or lead me to Edom?
11Have you rejected us?
You don't lead our armies.
12Help us defeat our enemies!
No one else can rescue us.
13Only you give us victory
and crush our enemies.