1 Chronicles 16

1They put the sacred chest inside the tent that David had set up for it, then they offered sacrifices to please the Lord and sacrifices to ask his blessing. 2After David had finished, he blessed the people in the name of the Lord 3and gave every person in the crowd a small loaf of bread, some meat, and a handful of raisins.

4David appointed some of the Levites to serve at the sacred chest; they were to play music and sing praises to the Lord God of Israel. 5Asaph was their leader, and Zechariah was his assistant. Jeiel, Shemiramoth, Jehiel, Mattithiah, Eliab, Benaiah, Obed-Edom, and another man named Jeiel were appointed to play small harps and stringed instruments. Asaph himself played the cymbals, 6and the two priests Benaiah and Jahaziel were to blow trumpets every day in front of the sacred chest.

David's Song of Praise

(Psalms 105.1-15; 96.1-13; 106.1,47,48)

7That same day, David instructed Asaph and his relatives for the first time to sing these praises to the Lord:

8Praise the Lord

and pray in his name!

Tell everyone

what he has done.

9Sing praises to the Lord!

Tell about his miracles.

10Celebrate and worship

his holy name

with all your heart.

11Trust the Lord

and his mighty power.

Worship him always.

12Remember his miracles

and all his wonders

and his fair decisions.

13You belong to the family

of Israel, his servant;

you are his chosen ones,

the descendants of Jacob.

14The Lord is our God,

bringing justice

everywhere on earth.

15We must never forget

his agreement and his promises,

not in thousands of years.

* 16 God made an eternal promise

17to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

18when he said, “I'll give you

the land of Canaan.”

19At the time there were

only a few of us,

and we were homeless.

20We wandered from nation

to nation, from one country

to another.

21 God did not let anyone

mistreat our people.

Instead he protected us

by punishing rulers

22and telling them,

“Don't touch my chosen leaders

or harm my prophets!”

23Everyone on this earth,

sing praises to the Lord.

Day after day announce,

“The Lord has saved us!”

24Tell every nation on earth,

“The Lord is wonderful

and does marvelous things!

25The Lord is great and deserves

our greatest praise!

He is the only God

worthy of our worship.

26Other nations worship idols,

but the Lord created

the heavens.

27Give honor and praise

to the Lord,

whose power and beauty

fill his holy temple.”

28Tell everyone of every nation,

“Praise the glorious power

of the Lord.

29He is wonderful! Praise him

and bring an offering

into his temple.

Worship the Lord,

majestic and holy.

30Everyone on earth, now tremble!”

The world stands firm,

never to be shaken.

31Tell the heavens and the earth

to be glad and celebrate!

And announce to the nations,

“The Lord is King!”

32Command the ocean to roar

with all of its creatures

and the fields to rejoice

with all of their crops.

33Then every tree in the forest

will sing joyful songs

to the Lord.

He is coming to judge

all people on earth.

34 Praise the Lord

because he is good to us,

and his love never fails.

35Say to him, “Save us, Lord God!

Bring us back

from among the nations.

Let us celebrate and shout

in praise of your holy name.

36Lord God of Israel,

you deserve to be praised

forever and ever.”

After David finished, the people shouted, “Amen! Praise the Lord!”

David Appoints Worship Leaders at Jerusalem and Gibeon

37David chose Asaph and the Levites in his clan to be in charge of the daily worship at the place where the sacred chest was kept. 38Obed-Edom and 68 of his relatives were their assistants, and Hosah and Obed-Edom the son of Jeduthun were the guards.

39David also chose Zadok the priest and his relatives who were priests to serve at the Lord's sacred tent at Gibeon. 40They were to offer sacrifices on the altar every morning and evening, just as the Lord had commanded in the Law he gave Israel. 41 Heman and Jeduthun were their assistants, as well as the other men who had been chosen to praise the Lord for his never-ending love. 42Heman and Jeduthun were also responsible for blowing the trumpets, and for playing the cymbals and other instruments during worship at the tent. The Levites in Jeduthun's clan were the guards at Gibeon.

43 After that, everyone went home, and David went home to his family.