Reflection: Truth Never Changes
Generations are shaped by different societal shifts and none more than when it comes to the idea of truth. We live in a time where truth has become a question of competing narratives, and in order to be ‘inclusive’ of all people, we must not only allow, but support and even celebrate each person’s ‘truth’. This can often leave us feeling inward conflict because we want to love everyone, but we also believe there is only one truth – Jesus Christ. He is THE way, THE truth and THE life.
Jesus himself does this perfectly. Nobody loves everybody more fully than he does while simultaneously declaring himself as TRUTH. Despite what the world might tell us right now, the two can co-exist. Having one does not negate the other. We can love others and live by God’s Truth. We can live by God’s Truth and love others. But perhaps the most freeing part of all, is it’s not up to us to convince or change anybody’s idea of Truth — that’s up to the Holy Spirit to convict, challenge and guide.
Author: Renee Bennett is the founding Director of Youth Alive Academy, a leadership college that has trained over 1000 young leaders. She and her husband, Cameron, also lead Youth Alive Australia and are the lead pastors of Public Church.
Dear Lord, I ask you to send your Spirit of Truth to guide and lead me. I thank you that despite the chaos going on in the world, you never change, and your truth is the solid rock that my life is built on. Amen.