14 day plan

Known by God

Day 9 of 14


Jeremiah 1:5

The LORD chose me and gave me a name before I was born. Isaiah 49:1b (CEV) “Jeremiah, I am your Creator, and before you were born, I chose you to speak for me to the nations." Jeremiah 1:5 (CEV)

Reflection: Named

We’re eavesdropping on a pin-up prophet who’s in conversation with God. His name was common in Hebrew baby books of the time, and if you’re into names for their meaning this would be a goodie: Jeremiah. It means Yahweh loosens (the womb)—every pregnant mother’s dream! or Yahweh exalts/appoints—which has more to say about this particular child.

One treasure of this appointed spokesperson is that he wears his heart on his sleeve. Here, at the beginning of his career, Jeremiah’s not feeling his name. He’s not feeling exalted. Not feeling empowered and not feeling up to the task.

But oh, I love and want to keep rehearsing the facts. Storying through history, the Bible reiterates that we’re significant not because of what we can do, or how we’re feeling, but because we are named, chosen; known and loved by God. God says you, (yes, you who are reading this devotion right now) are predestined and precious (Romans 8:29).

God said:

“Jeremiah, you are predestined and precious.

Before I formed you in the womb, I knew and distinguished you.

Before you were loosened-from-the-womb I chose and consecrated you.

I named you a prophet, appointed to the nations.” (Author’s paraphrase of Jeremiah 1:5)


Known and loved by you, Lord—predestined and precious even before birth. Settle me — thankful, trusting and confident — in this epic truth. Grow my roots deep into your love. Soften contrary and confused hearts to this essential fact and draw many searching souls to know their true identity in you.