14 day plan

Known by God

Day 12 of 14


Jeremiah 1:9-10

Then the LORD reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, “I have put my words in your mouth. See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant.”  Jeremiah 1:9-10 CEV

Reflection: Your words are my words

God’s been especially choosing and commissioning people from way back. Wa-ay back. People to be maybe leaders or craftsman or choirmasters; god-fearing people; people maybe distinguished by boldness or maybe for their humility. Mothers, missionaries, messengers…you name it! People to be prophets, like Jeremiah, who, with a special authority, are not just messengers, but embody God’s words.

In the Old Testament God covenanted/set apart a whole people group to represent him in the world. Then, under a New Covenant, in Christ, he flung open to every tribe and tongue the commissioning of a holy people to be his priests. That’s our calling! Christ-like people going about our business representing him in the world.

I’ve just put together a book for my husband’s 70th birthday—‘Postcards of Mike’. (He finally gave up complaining about the process once he realized how rich it is to recollect.) I then offered to do the same for another friend. Her response was: Oh, don’t bother. My life has amounted to nothing.


Lord, inspire and energise us as we rehearse your purpose for our lives. Through Christ, you have called us out of darkness into your wonderful light! We, your chosen people, are a royal priesthood, a holy nation, your special possession (1 Peter 2:9). May we, designed and resourced for a lifetime of honouring you, live to declare your praise.