14 day plan

How do I know God’s guidance?

Day 4 of 14


ReflectionI will instruct

God has put his reputation on the line. When he says, ‘I will,’ God is knocking a stake of certainty into the ground and is inviting you to test its strength. In Psalm 32, God says, ‘I will instruct you…’ The context of Psalm 32 makes it clear that this is a promise to those who have: 1) honestly confessed their sins to God, and 2) have made God their ‘hiding place’ (verse 7), i.e. those who have put their trust in God. If that is you, then this promise is for you. God will instruct you. There are no “ifs, buts or maybes”.

And if you want to know how much God values the sort of solemn decrees he gives here, Psalm 138:2 tells us. He values it even more than his fame, i.e. his reputation. He says: ‘…for you [God] have so exalted your solemn decree – that it surpasses your fame.’

Some people believe God sits on his hands and does not interact with us in this life. They think we have to wait until we are in heaven before he engages with us. This is not a biblical view. The writers of the Psalms didn’t all understand that there would be life after death, but they were all convinced that God could and would involve himself in their life in the “here and now”.

So, have confidence. Incline your ear to hear the plans God has for you.

Prayer:  Dear Lord, your promise to watch over me and instruct me is so special. I choose you to be my ‘hiding place’, the one to whom I can always go when I feel lost.