Reflections: What’s the longest you’ve ever waited for something? A week? A month? A year? Imagine waiting 400 years for God to deliver on his promise. That’s four centuries of silence as Israel longed for God’s promised king. Now at long last, the kingdom has come near—your king has arrived. All the hopes of Israel are fulfilled in Jesus: Abraham’s seed, Moses’ greater prophet and David’s royal son. This king is like no other. He lives the perfect life we could never have lived and dies the death that we should have died. In his own death he destroys death for all and establishes God’s kingdom of eternal life. Jesus is the crucified king—our saviour king (Mk 10:45). That’s good news! So repent and believe—turn to him and trust in him. Bow your knee and worship the king!
Question: If Jesus has destroyed death and established a kingdom of eternal life, how should the gospel shape our attitudes toward life and death?
Prayer: God of all faithfulness, we praise you for our Saviour Jesus Christ, for his death and resurrection, for the gift of your Spirit, and for the hope of sharing in your glory. Fill our hearts with all joy and peace in believing through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.