Reflections: If you’ve survived a heart attack, life is never the same again. You’ve been given a second chance. How in the world could you go back to the unhealthy habits of your old life? Christians have survived more than a heart attack. We died with Christ and have been raised to life with him. Jesus didn’t simply delay death in this life. He’s defeated death forever and given us eternal life. So how in the world can we live as we once did? How can we go back to the sin which first put us in the grave? Our baptism signifies our new life in Christ. It declares to the world, “I am not my own but belong with body and soul, both in life and in death, to my faithful Saviour Jesus Christ” (Heidelberg Catechism, 1).
Question: What besetting sins will you put to death this week? How does your baptism remind you to live your new life in Christ?
Prayer: God of life, we praise you for your grace which multiplies more than our deepest sin. Remind us that we have been baptised into the death of your Son and raised to new life in him. By your Spirit, may we offer ourselves to you as weapons for righteousness, for we now live under the grace of your glorious Son. Amen.