Reflection: Sarah waited many years for that which she longed for. She longed to be a mother. From what we know of Sarah’s life, it was not easy. Her marriage to Abraham, who obeyed God’s call to go to a new land, led to a nomadic life in strange nations. Over all the physical hardships and challenges, Sarah’s barrenness would have been a constant reality, as she failed to bear a child for herself, to inherit Abraham’s goods, as well as the promises and blessings of God. As she got older, past the age for
child bearing, Sarah’s hope of becoming a mother must have been almost dead. Yet this verse from Hebrews tells us that Sarah maintained faith in God; she ‘considered him faithful who had made the promise’ that Abraham would have a son through her. This is a powerful reality, and a powerful witness to us. We are told earlier in this chapter that ‘faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see’ (Hebrews 11:1). Sarah, despite her doubts in herself and the physical reality of her barrenness, chose in faith to be confident in what she hoped for – a child, as God had promised Abraham – and to have assurance in what she could not see. Despite Sarah’s weaknesses, her sinfulness, and her doubts (she actually laughed at God’s promise of a child at one point, see Gen 18:12), she had faith in God; she knew that
he was faithful, and he was the one who made the promise.
Question: In what areas of your life can Sarah’s faith be an encouragement and a challenge? Do you find that you need to return to the truth that God, who promised, is faithful?
Prayer: Faithful God, please help us when we doubt. Help us when we doubt your power, your goodness, and your faithfulness to your promises. Please help us to have the same faith as Sarah – faith in you. Help us to remember and trust that you are eternally faithful to your promises. Amen.
We are reading
the Bible with Karen Mudge until 19th May.