Reflection: Imperfect worship
The words of Psalm 96:9, taken from the robust King James version, stare at me every Sunday at the front of my church: “Oh worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.”
I always feel inadequate when I read it. Will I ever be holy enough?
But the splendour of the doctrine that we have been united with Christ comes to my rescue (Phil 2:1). It is the beauty of Jesus’ holiness which means I can worship God. While holiness is something I have to work on it is the holiness of Christ that the Father will gaze upon when I meet him. And it is the same holiness that gives me the courage to dare approach him in the company of other believers.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, you have united me with your Son and made me clean in your sight.
Out of sheer gratitude, I come to worship you in the splendour of your holiness.