14 day plan

How do I know God’s guidance?

Day 9 of 14


ReflectionCheck 2 – Seek reputable advice

It is rare for wisdom regarding a course of action to be so new that people haven’t encountered it before. So, seek that wisdom. As the Bible says: seek the ‘ancient paths’ that righteous people have trod earlier in history and learn from them (Jeremiah 6:16).

Not only can we learn from the wisdom of history, but we can seek the wisdom of wise and spiritually mature people. As the book of Proverbs says: ‘The way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advice’ (Proverbs 12:15).

It is important, of course, not to select those you go to for advice because they are the ones most likely to agree with you. Similarly, don’t choose those who are intimidated by you. Your advisors need to be able to challenge you. Tragically, leaders of some of the world’s big churches have fallen into this trap.

It is also important that you don’t let your advisors make the decision for you. The Bible gives us a warning about that in 1 Kings 13:15-22. You must be comfortable enough with your decision to take full responsibility for it.

Prayer:  Dear Lord, you are the final definition of all that is wise. May I treasure your wisdom. Give me the passion to seek it out from your word and from your people.