7 day plan

A Question of Justice

Day 1 of 7


Matthew 25:40

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’” Matthew 25:40, CEV

Series Introduction

At the centre of Scripture is Jesus, who consistently reached out to include those without power–the marginalised, the voiceless and the stigmatised. This series invites you to reflect on Bible passages that illuminate God’s heart for justice. As we reflect on Scripture, we will consider how it is possible that those with the least power in our world today are too often those who still don’t have access to reading about Jesus in Scriptures in their own language. In this series, Sarah shares her conviction that Bible translation is a matter of justice, especially as Christians seek to care for the ‘least of these’. Join us as we explore the Scriptures each day, seeking to understand our role in advocating for justice and ensuring that the message of hope and redemption is available to everyone, everywhere.


Life presses in on us in so many ways. The stress of life and work, an unexpected crisis, the emotional cost of hopes and prayers still seemingly unanswered, and the fear arising from life’s many uncertainties. Where can we turn for the strength, we can’t find inside ourselves?

We can turn to the Scriptures. No matter our circumstances, God’s word is, as the Psalmist says, “a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Ps 109:105).

Yet my work has led me to consider: what about those sisters and brothers in Christ worldwide who don’t have that light? Those whose language groups are small, poor, or politically marginalised – they, too, should have access to every promise and word of comfort God shares with his people.

Everyone can make a difference today – both in valuing God’s word and aligning with God’s heart for justice for all people.

As you meditate on God’s word in your own life, will you pray for the work of Bible translation, so that it can be made available to every person who wants it? We can do this, knowing that whatever is done for the least of these brothers and sisters is done for him.


Lord, thank you for your word. Thank you that I can come and draw near to you today by meditating on your promises. And God, I lift all those still waiting for access to the promises you give us through the Bible. I pray for your blessing and strength on those working to translate the Bible so everyone can access it.  Amen.
