7 day plan

A Question of Justice

Day 3 of 7


Genesis 1:26

‘Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”’ Genesis 1:26, CEV


We are created in the image of God – it is a staggering thought when we stop to consider it. We reflect to the world something profound about the divine image.

But what if you and your people have received a message all your life that you are somehow less important, less powerful, less valuable than others? This message – of being created in the image of God – is even more important for someone in that context to hear.

That’s why it is so powerful that in some languages, the word for ‘mankind’ or ‘man’ in this Bible verse is the same as the word for their people group. So, for instance, for the Inuit people who speak Inuktitut, when they received the Bible in their language in 2012, they were finally able to read the powerful words of God that were (in their language): “Let us make Inuit in our image”.

In this way, Bible translation takes God’s deep and profound truths about who he is and who we are as his people and connects them to people in a way that goes deeper than understanding – it speaks to the deepest parts of their hearts. It speaks to their identity.


Creator God, thank you for the amazing reality that we are created in your image. What a wonderful and awesome thought. May that truth go deep into my heart today and into the hearts of all who hear this powerful truth. May I live out of that identity in all I do today.  Amen.
